Speech and Language Assessment and Therapy

Speech and Language therapy: Communication is the key to success. Development of Speech and Language is absolutely essential for good communication. Impairment in speaking may significantly reduce the quality of life of the person. Speech and Language disorders are categorized as the difficulty to understand and express one’s feelings and thoughts. There are different types of communication disorders in both children and adults.
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Communication disorders covered at our clinic

Meenakshi Speech and Hearing Aid Centre Clinics Pvt. Ltd. have developed their own assessment tool kits for Speech & Language Disorders. We have tailored made assessment forms and procedures to cover a variety of communication disorders for both children and adults. These modules are based on dynamic assessment of the child skills and evaluates the learning potential in a naturalistic environment. It is highly interactive and process oriented.

Speech and Language disorders: Speech and language therapy

Language based learning disorders are difficulties in language that cause delays in academic performance. These include limited vocabulary, poor phonological development, poor following directions abilities, poor syntax and word structure development, and poor word retrieval skills. Adults with post-stroke aphasia have trouble understanding and using words and sentences resulting from brain injury. These patients often exhibit dysarthria and swallowing difficulties as well. Speech and language rehabilitation in these patients are effective in restoring and managing communication function in those who lost speech and language functions from traumatic brain injury, stroke, or other damage to language areas of the brain.

Hearing Impairment Rehabilitation

Hearing loss affects millions of children around the world. Children and adolescents using cochlear implants and amplification devices find it difficult to produce speech sounds, learn vocabulary, grammar, word order, idiomatic expressions, and other aspects of verbal communication. Our Speech Language Therapists are skilled in training children with hearing loss to maximize their potential.

Stuttering in Children and Adults

A person who repeats words or sounds which interrupts his natural flow of speech is exhibiting stuttered speech. This problem usually begins in childhood and may last through adult life. People who stutter find it challenging to communicate their needs, often avoid certain words, and may elude social settings. It is crucial for these children to improve their speech fluency. We help develop fluency strategies, and desensitize children to stuttering in order to increase fluency of speech.

Speech and Sound disorders

Articulation is how we move our tongue, lips, and teeth, and jaw to produce speech sounds. When a child has an articulation difficulty, they struggle or are unable to produce certain speech sounds and need help in learning how to do so. Children with articulation weaknesses often show weaknesses in perception and phonological processing, which may cause them to read poorly. We work on specific exercises to help learn how to develop phonemic awareness and produce speech sounds accurately.

Voice and Resonance Disorders

Voices are unique to every single individual. It is created by vibrations of the vocal cords. Voice therapy is effective in reducing vocal hoarseness resulting from vocal abuse in children, adults, and professional voice users. We work together with ENT doctors in treating patients with various vocal fold lesions. Facebook Page


A language disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate. It can occur suddenly after a stroke or head injury or develop slowly from a growing brain tumour or disease. Aphasia affects a person’s ability to express and understand written and spoken language. Once the underlying cause is treated, the main treatment for aphasia is speech therapy.


Dysarthria is impairment of speech due to neurological causes. One or more aspects of speech such as articulation, voice, resonance, prosody, may be affected. Dysarthria may be seen in the following conditions, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, etc.


Dementia is impairment of cognitive functions including language, found in some elderly individuals. This condition is associated with pathological changes in the brain.

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